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Advantages of Managed IP Services
Managed IP services can save you capital investment and staffing costs.

By: John Shepler

Cloud services are seeing a lot of interest lately, as companies look to reduce their capital expenditures for IT and gain capabilities they couldn’t otherwise afford. But did you know there are a wide range of IP services available in the cloud?

What IP Networks Can Do
Cloud services can be in-house or private, or they can be purchased from a cloud services provider. Providers have a wide range of specialties. Some offer only remote storage. Others specialize in high performance computing. Still others offer alternatives to in-house telephone switching systems and even network security. What they all have in common is that their services run over IP networks. Hence, IP services or managed IP services.

Takes a Load Off
The idea of managed services involves letting the carrier or services provider take over the job of making sure that everything is running correctly. Traditionally, that’s the job of the on-site IT staff who monitor what’s going on at all times and swing into action to make repairs whenever a fault occurs. Not every company can afford a 24/7 staff or even a full-time IT employee. Others may have a small staff that has gradually become overwhelmed as more and more applications have been turned up on the network. Managed services offer a way to offload some of this responsibility.

Managed Routers
One basic managed service is the network WAN connection to the Internet. This could also be a private line between facilities or connections to an MPLS network to link multiple geographically diverse business locations. You often have the option of simply ordering a line service and then monitoring it yourself to ensure proper operation. The alternative is to have the carrier provide a router that allows them to monitor the line right up to the connection with your LAN. This is called a managed router or managed line service. Often you can get this management feature at no extra cost by shopping around.

Around The Clock Tech Support
The beauty of a managed router is that the carrier’s network operations staff is far larger than yours, available 24/7/365, and has the expertise in their own systems to rapidly troubleshoot and correct problems. It’s not uncommon to have a line failure in the middle of the night and have it back up and running before business hours commence. You may not even be aware than a fault occurred.

Why Colocation?
A step up from the managed line service is colocation of your servers and the bandwidth that feeds them to a carrier hotel or colocation center. You can elect to manage everything yourself or let the colo center staff handle server maintenance and repair, including any network connections.

IP Telephony
Recently, Managed IP Telephony has become popular as an alternative to in-house PBX systems. Instead of a dedicated piece of switching equipment that you have to program and maintain, the telephony switch resides at the service provider. You connect by means of a network connection called a SIP Trunk. This assumes that you have converted to IP telephony or SIP phones and have converged your LAN for both voice and data.

SIP Trunking Voice and Internet
SIP Trunking providers often go the extra step of providing both broadband Internet and telephone service on the same SIP trunk. This is a perfect interface to a converged local network that already transports both voice and data packets. Because the services and trunk line are fully managed, you are ensured that voice quality won’t suffer due to conflicts with data packets on the same line.

Find High Performance Bandwidth For Your Business
Save now on T1, E1, PRI, T3, DS3, OC3, OC12, OC48, MPLS, VPLS, SIP Trunks, Business Cable DOCSIS 3.0 and 3.1, Wireless 4G LTE, High Speed Satellite and Ethernet over Copper and Fiber Optic high speed line services for PBX phone, point to point private line, cloud connectivity, and converged enterprise VoIP & data networks. Managed SDN Software Defined Networking and SD-WAN available, as desired. Find out in seconds what network services and pricing are available now for your business (not residential) location anywhere in the U.S., including many rural areas. Simply use this handy form...


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